Waikato team proud to secure ‘Waikato Innovation Park’ contract
Congratulations to Nivitesh Kumar (Waikato Regional Director) and his team of franchisees who have gained a significant contract for the Waikato region.
Waikato Innovation Park is made up of ‘Innovative’ companies. An ‘Innovative’ company is one that derives a significant portion of revenue from products or services ‘new to New Zealand’. These companies are introducing new systems into New Zealand in the areas of farming and engineering, and are also partly funded by the Government.
The inductions that the franchisees undertook were of an extremely high level of security, because of the patents and copyrights within these companies. Inductions included everyone being issued with a electronic access card and code.
Our Hamilton franchisees clean the buildings common areas and also the tenants offices, including Hemtech, DEC, NZITO, Farmax, SciLactics, Bold Horizon, BioVittoria, Grayson Law, DL Consulting and Waikato Link.