Wiri Oil Shows Appreciation

Wiri Oil HSSE Assurance Manager Natalee Scripps with CrestClean franchisee Dinesh Prasad and his award for excellent service.
When CrestClean’s Regional Manager for South and East Auckland, Viky Narayan was called into the Wiri Oil Services office for a special meeting, he was concerned.
Turns out, it was to see one of his franchisees receive top praise. As part of Wiri Oil’s performance management system, contractors who work with the company are regularly measured and assessed, and top performers are nominated for recognition in order to encourage quality service and accountability.
CrestClean franchisee Dinesh Prasad received a nomination from General Manager Ian Cummings, who noted as reasons: using the standard work chart and cleaning the fridge. “It’s immaculate,” he wrote.
Dinesh was presented with a $100 MTA voucher for his excellent work.
“I think it’s a great achievement for us. Go Crest!” says Viky. “ What a pleasant surprise.”
Wiri Oil has been with CrestClean since 2009. “They’re very good customers,” adds Viky. “I really appreciate the quality control processes they have in place and how well they work with Crest’s systems. It makes for an excellent relationship for both parties.”
Congratulations Dinesh and keep up the great work!