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Business loan funding help on hand

Mortgage advisor Michael Walters.

Mortgage advisor Michael Walters has been helping CrestClean franchisees for several years and can help you with enquiries no matter where you are.

Mortgage advisor Michael Walters is always on hand to help CrestClean franchisees.

Michael, who joined Mortgage Link Otago in 2004, has worked closely with five CrestClean franchisees and helped them obtain mortgage and business loan funding.

“Being self-employed, the franchisees require someone with experience in dealing with business financials and how to put this in the best light to the lenders to give you the best chance of getting a loan approved,” he said.

Owning a CrestClean franchise has many benefits – it can set you up well to purchase a home or property. “The Crest service provides accrete financials accounts and income details that is crucial information to able to have ready to apply for property funding along with having a steady provable income that the banks can follow and understand,” he said.

The free service allows anyone who would like to find out where they stand or get a mortgage “health check” to contact Michael anytime.

“My advice to anyone wanting to find out where they stand with being able to get a mortgage or a mortgage “health check” for their existing lending is to email or pick up the phone and have a chat with me. This won’t cost you anything and I might be able to answer any questions or scenario’s you would like to run past me,” he said.

In any lending applications, CrestClean franchisees would need to supply a minimum of one year’s worth of income financials to demonstrate the ability to meet mortgage repayments.

Forecast projections on what your income might be going forward is also helpful as extra jobs can be picked up on an ongoing basis under the CrestClean franchisee system.

Your credit history is considered and current liabilities (loans and credit cards) are looked at to see if they have been paid on time.

Michael can assist franchisees anywhere around New Zealand – it doesn’t matter what town or which bank you are with, give Michael a call or send him an email. Phone: 03 477 7758 Mobile: 021 254 6737 Email: michael@mortgagelinkotago.co.nz