Secrets of Hard Floor care revealed

The Southland team work together as part of their skills development module to ensure the floor is prepared ready for the finish to be applied.
They are a picture of concentration as the finer points of Hard Floor care are put into practice.
These Southland franchisees showed doing the hard yards will reap rich rewards as they undertook training in Hard Floor Care. The event was overseen by the Master Cleaners Training Institute’s Southland-based trainer Ashneer Datt.
CrestClean’s Southland Regional Manager Glenn Cockroft said the event had been a big success.
“The team worked very well together as they carefully stripped, scrubbed and mopped the floor of a local school hall before they put the final coats of polish on the floor.”
Glenn said floor care was a skill that should not be rushed if a proper result was to be achieved.
“Attention to detail and correct preparation of the floor surface is the key to achieving a great finish to any polished floor.”
And the franchisees polished off the tasks required with flying colours.
“Two full days of training for the team has resulted in a fantastic finish to the floor that has not only made it look 100 percent better than it was but it has also extended the longevity of the floor itself,” added Glenn.
He said CrestClean has a number of customers throughout the area who have regular maintenance and polishing work carried out on their floors.