Personal milestone a time to celebrate

Weimin Yan and Zak Cheng with their award.
Clocking up five years with CrestClean is a personal milestone for Auckland franchisee Weimin Yan.
Yan says life has never been better and he’s just thankful he chopped in his job as a butcher to work for himself.
“I’m really happy with my CrestClean business. Cleaning is certainly easier than being a butcher and I enjoy having my own business and being my own boss,” he says.
More recently Yan took on Zak Cheng as his new business partner. “He’s a good worker and likes the job,” says Yan.
“He has got a lot of experience in the cleaning industry. We are a good team and we work well together.”
Yan, who is originally from China, likes the fact his CrestClean business gives him plenty of time in the day to do other things. A lawn mowing business he runs brings in additional income.
Caroline Wedding, CrestClean’s Auckland West Regional Manager, says she has a number of franchisees on her team who run successful businesses and have been with the company for many years. “Five years is a long time and a milestone that is very worthy of marking.
“To have good committed and steady teams is really important. It assures our customers that they will receive consistently good service from our teams.”
Caroline says Yan is hardworking and committed to his customers. “He’s very easy to work with and he’s got a good attitude and the right approach to his business.
“He builds very good relationships with his customers.”