CrestClean’s new business owners quick to learn training tips and techniques

South Canterbury business owners at the Module 1 course run by the Master Cleaners Training Institute.
It might have been a freezing South Canterbury morning but these CrestClean newbies quickly warmed to required tasks on an upskilling programme.
Experienced franchisee Murray Kelly took the business owners through an extensive programme on the Module 1 course run by the Master Cleaners Training Institute. The course aims to raise industry standards by equipping personnel with skills, knowledge and industry-specific qualifications.
The course includes health and safety modules, chemical preparation, and the safe use and storage of equipment. Practical task training covers mopping, vacuuming, window and wall washing, damp wiping and polishing. Communications and security are also covered.
Murray says course participants were enthusiastic and demonstrated a professional approach and had a great attitude. “The Crest system is marvellous and it works. It’s a tried and tested system and all our personnel benefit from regular training and upskilling.”
The course was held at Ashburton Rugby Club. The venue provided franchisees with real-life situations they are likely to encounter in their work. The event was overseen by Adam Hodge, CEO of the Master Cleaners Training Institute.
Robert Glenie, CrestClean’s South Canterbury Regional Manager, was pleased with how the training event had gone.
“Crest takes it’s training of franchisees and staff extremely seriously. Adam flew from Auckland to make sure things ran smoothly, so not only the franchisees and staff have support but the trainers have support to call on as well.
“Module 1 Training is an amazing way for the teams to all be on the same level when it comes to technique. It helps us reduce work-related injuries and it maintains quality cleaning standards.”
CrestClean has developed a “Safe System of Work” for each task our personnel are required to carry out. Each system outlines step-by-step processes for consistently completing each cleaning activity to the highest standard.

Murray Kelly demonstrates the correct techniques of cleaning windows.