Team praised for helping to maintain high standards at childhood centre

The Cubby House Centre Manager Lyn Coulton with CrestClean business owners Afelee Niumea and Makalita Afelee.
Trusting their child’s health and safety to a preschool is a big step for many parents.
When choosing an early-learning centre they feel comfortable with, first impressions go a long way and can play a big part in the decision-making process for mums and dads, says Lyn Coulton, from The Cubby House.
Lyn, Centre Manager of the New Plymouth early childhood facility, says cleanliness is a major factor on parents’ minds. “Parents notice when things are not clean,” she adds.
“Sometimes they might choose between two or three centres and first impressions are really important.”
Lyn says the CrestClean team that looks after The Cubby House does an outstanding job.
She has received great feedback from parents who had been on an initial visit and were blown away by the centre’s presentation and its cleanliness.
“They tell us that’s why they chose us because it looks clean and safe for their children,” she says.
CrestClean business owners Afelee Niumea and Makalita Afelee look after The Cubby House. They arrive at the centre each evening and get to work on the cleaning.
“It can get pretty messy by the evening, but every day we come in and it’s beautifully clean in the morning,” says Lyn.
It’s imperative that floor areas in particular are kept clean and tidy, says Lyn. “Our babies and toddlers are spending a lot of time on the floor. Those are the areas that we need really clean.”
She had praise for the overall high standard of cleaning throughout the centre. “The bathrooms have been done really well,” she added.
Maintaining high levels of hygiene through good cleaning practices was important, she says. “We want our children to be well and we also want our staff to be well because if they go down sick it’s really hard for us to function as a business.”
Prasun Acharya, CrestClean’s Taranaki Regional Manager, says the company’s new generation cleaning products were ideally suited to childcare centres.
“They have been formulated to have minimal impact on the environment while effectively protecting the health of staff and customers.
“They leave no nasty chemical residues so that’s important, particularly on floor areas as kids play and crawl over floors.”
Lyn also had praise for the smartness of the CrestClean team. Their “professional” appearance in their smart uniforms fits in well, she says.
“It makes me think they will do their jobs well because they are well presented.”
Having smart cleaning personnel will not be lost on the centre’s clients, she added. “When parents collect their children they will also appreciate that.”