Business owners drive CrestClean’s success

Vijaykumar Patel has been a CrestClean business owner for five years.
CrestClean’s Managing Director heaped praise on the company’s local business owners at the annual team meeting in Rotorua.
Grant McLauchlan said the company’s turnover has grown by 12.4 percent nationally in the past financial year and the Rotoura region had played an important part in that increase.
“We’ve become a reputable and well-known brand in New Zealand,” he told the CrestClean franchise owners, who run thriving cleaning businesses in Rotorua, Whakatane and Taupo.
“Our high standards are what has made us one of the standout franchise systems in New Zealand and the cleaning industry,” Grant said.
“Our training, our systems and our investment in people has paid dividends for the strength of our business and our brand.”
Many more franchisees were going full time with CrestClean and as a result were enjoying better lifestyles and seeing their income increase, he said.
During the annual team meeting a number of awards and training certificates were given out.
They included a Certificate of Long Service to Nancy Nadan and Kent Wilkinson, who have been with CrestClean for seven years.
Regional Manager Bill Douglas said the Taupo couple were model business owners. “I can’t say enough about them. They are just great people and Kent is my main man in Taupo.
“He does all the carpet cleaning and nothing is ever too much trouble for them, they are a wonderful team.”
Another long serving franchisee is Vijaykumar Patel, who has been a CrestClean business owner for five years. “He’s an excellent franchise owner and is really dedicated to his work,” says Bill. “He works and works – he never stops working! Everybody likes him and he’s very popular with his customers.”
Bill said having long serving personnel brings strength to the cleaning teams. “We have a great team spirit and everyone gets along well together.
“Our experienced operators add maturity to the team and it means our customers are getting the benefit of the best people in the business.”

Nancy Nadan and Kent Wilkinson have been with CrestClean for seven years.

Rachel Price has been a CrestClean business owner for seven years.

Virajkumar Patel receives a Certificate in Commercial Cleaning, Level 1, from Grant McLauchlan.