Excellence shines bright for business owners

Every month a Certificate of Excellence is awarded by each regional manager to the franchisee who gets the highest number of customer accolades. These proud Dunedin franchisees received their awards at the recent Dunedin Team Meeting.
It was a big thumbs up for these Dunedin business owners whose dedication and hard work has been impressing their CrestClean customers.
Each was presented with a Certificate of Excellence at the company’s recent annual team meeting by Grant McLauchlan, CrestClean’s Managing Director.
The award is testament to the high quality of work carried out by franchisees and follows direct feedback from their customers.
CrestClean’s Dunedin Regional Manager Tony Kramers says the number of Certificate of Excellence awards being handed out locally has soared over the past five years.
“All of our business owners have adopted the mind-set that it’s their business and they are totally focused on doing the best job for their customers.”
Tony says building strong customer relationships is one of the strengths of CrestClean’s individual owner-operators. “They are taking time out of their day to meet their customers and to make sure everything is going well.”
Customer feedback comes in the form of direct emails to the regional managers or via the CrestClean’s regular surveys monitoring quality. Going the extra mile for customers, or providing a service above and beyond what is required, are common comments received.
Every month a Certificate of Excellence is awarded by each regional manager to the franchisee who gets the highest number of customer accolades. And every quarter the business owner with the most certificates wins a $50 cash prize.
“It’s not often that cleaners get the recognition they deserve,” says Tony. “Cleaning can be hard at times and this is a way of showing our appreciation through the customers’ appreciation.
“We want to reward our teams for doing a great job and this gives them a bit of a pat on the back in recognition for their commitment to their customers.”