Friendships made along the way as couple celebrate success of business

Binesh Naidu and Nag Mani have been CrestClean business owners for seven years
It’s been seven years since they bought their business and they are in total agreement it has been one of the best decisions they’ve ever made.
For Binesh Naidu and Nag Mani, their cleaning franchise means a lot more than doing a great job. Many of their Tauranga customers have been with them from the beginning and the couple have a strong reputation for delivering quality and excellence.
“It’s not just about the cleaning it’s the people we meet in the course of our work,” says Nag.
The close working relationships they’ve made while looking after schools over the years has even seen the couple host school staff at their home. Mount Maunganui Intermediate School teachers were invited to a traditional Diwali festival celebration they put on and the principal was a guest at their daughter’s wedding.
“Having a business is the best thing we’ve done,” says Binesh. “We like meeting people and our customers are really nice.”
Jan Lichtwark, CrestClean’s Tauranga Regional Manager, said Binesh and Nag are excellent franchisees who put their heart and soul into their business.
“They work very hard and go out of their way to ensure that everyone is happy with the cleaning services they provide.”
Joining CrestClean in 2012 was a big change of direction for Binesh, who was working as a cabinet maker at the time. Back then the building slump was hitting hard in Tauranga and Binesh and Nag were concerned about having enough to meet their household expenses.
They had just purchased their own home in Tauranga and buying a CrestClean business gave them peace of mind and offered financial security.
They admit it took a little while to get used to being together all the time – but now they enjoy working together. “We get to spend a lot of free time together and we really like it,” says Nag.