Quality assurance co-ordinator celebrates five-year anniversary

Woo-Sung Lee with CrestClean Regional Manager Jan Lichtwark
“I just can’t believe how fast it’s gone,” says CrestClean’s Woo-Sung Lee as he reflected on reaching his five-year milestone with the company.
The martial arts expert hit the ground running when he joined CrestClean in 2014, quickly making a big impression with his customers and CrestClean management.
He had a stellar first year, picking up the title of Tauranga Rookie of the Year for “outstanding work and excellent customer service”. His ability as a good communicator was quickly spotted by Regional Manager Jan Lichtwark, who appointed Woo-Sung as an induction trainer.
The role, which involves mentoring new franchisees and taking them through their initial training, was something he took in his stride. “I was familiar with teaching as I had taught taekwondo and I worked as a golf professional and I enjoy teaching,” Woo-Sung says.
Through additional training with Master Cleaners Training Institute, he went on to become a specialist in Hard Floor Care, Pure Water window cleaning and Carpet Care.
Last year Woo-Sung stepped-up again to become a CrestClean Quality Assurance Co-ordinator. He’s part of a nationwide team responsible for ensuring quality cleaning and supporting the local franchisees and CrestClean’s Regional Managers.
It’s a full-on role visiting customers and carrying out audits in Tauranga, Rotorua, Whakatane, and Taupo. “I enjoy meeting customers and helping address any specific requirements they might have,” he says.
“Through that direct feedback we can ensure our cleaning teams are providing a quality service for our customers.”
He’s also on hand to offer help and advice to CrestClean business owners, passing on his knowledge and practical tips he’s learned from being a franchisee himself. It’s a particular part of the job he enjoys. “I like to see people grow their business and I can help them with any issues they might have,” he says.
Woo Sung is originally from South Korea and served in the South Korean Military as a Special Forces combat soldier. After moving to New Zealand he turned his passion for golf into a career, becoming a golf professional.
As a Taekwondo expert he gained 5th Dan Black belt and has been an instructor of the sport. He was part of the Korean Tigers demonstration team 1995 and also helped coach the New Zealand team at the Malaysian Open in 2005.