Home ownership dream comes true for South Auckland franchisees

South Auckland franchisees Ravin Prakash and Kamna Roy are excited to finally own their own home — but no-one is more excited than their four-year-old son, Ravnik, who now has his own playroom!
“He goes in there and plays with his toys. He likes it so much he won’t let anyone else go in his room — he’s like, ‘it’s mine’!” says Ravin.
Ravin, Kamna, Ravnik and 15-month-old Kamakshi are enjoying the spaciousness of their five-bedroom home in Te Kauwhata where there is plenty of room for everyone.
Ravin is also in the process of building a garden and tool shed (aka ‘man shed’) in the back garden.
“It’s awesome to have our own home. We can do anything, like build anything, put anything on the walls and paint it whatever colour we like.”
Ravin says it was owning a CrestClean business that enabled them to realise their home ownership dream.
During the day he works for a veterinary pharmaceuticals company, but, with rising house prices, one income alone was not enough for them to save for a deposit.
“It was okay to survive but not to grow. We wanted more income to save for a house,” he says.
They bought their CrestClean franchise in 2015 and, combined with the income from Ravin’s other work, they were able to put enough money aside.
“I finish work at 2.30pm, so I have heaps of time for cleaning. It’s good because we are our own bosses and we don’t have to work fixed hours. Flexibility is key for us,” he says.
In time, Ravin is considering growing the business and cleaning full time.
“Being on the property ladder is the best thing. It was hard, but we got there.”
CrestClean’s South Auckland Regional Manager Viky Narayan congratulated Ravin and Kamna on their new home.
“I’m so pleased for them. They are a very hard-working couple who have been committed to achieving their dream,” says Viky.
“All their hard work has paid off and now they have a spacious family home in which to raise their young family.”