CrestClean helps keep essential services moving

CrestClean is proud to help keep the country moving by sanitising workplaces across New Zealand — but what do you do when your workplace is a truck?
As Omicron took a hold on New Zealand, South Island transport company Philip Wareing Ltd was faced with this problem.
When a driver tested positive for Covid-19, they needed to ensure that the truck was safe for the next driver to use. So, they asked CrestClean to provide a Sanitising Service, to help keep their trucks on the road.
When a Covid-infected driver exits a truck, a CrestClean franchisee is deployed to clean the truck where it is situated, so it can be collected by another driver and kept in the supply chain.
“Having the cabs professionally sanitised keeps our drivers safe and gives them peace of mind,” says Manager Simon Wareing.
Philip Wareing Ltd, which also has an interest in four additional transport businesses in the South Island, has a combined fleet of 230+ trucks, which largely service the rural community.
The family-owned business is based in Methven, with its fleet mainly operating between Christchurch and Timaru.

“We can’t afford to have trucks off the road for too long, but CrestClean has never let us down, they’ve always managed to get there promptly and get it done,” says Simon.
“Wherever the trucks end up being parked, they give it a clean and away we go again.”
CrestClean franchisees are specially trained in pandemic cleaning, including the correct use of PPE to keep themselves safe during the clean.
The cabs are sanitised by wiping down all surfaces with CrestClean’s Anti-Viral Sanitiser, a wide spectrum bactericide, fungicide and virucide that is registered with the US Environmental Protection Agency as a disinfectant qualified for use against Covid-19.
CrestClean’s South Canterbury Regional Manager Rob Glenie says it’s the same service used by offices and schools throughout the country, but in this case the truck cab is the ‘office’.
“In an office setting we concentrate on high touch points — in a truck that’s pretty much all the surfaces, from the steering wheel and controls, to door handles and everything in between,” says Rob.
“As essential service workers ourselves, we are proud to be helping other essential service workers to continue to do their job safely, while keeping supplies moving around New Zealand.”