Riding the crest of the wave in Tauranga and Whakatāne
A wave of green and blue uniforms is sweeping through Tauranga and Whakatāne, with it tipped to be CrestClean’s number one growth region in the coming year.
“The region has experienced 17 per cent growth over the last year and is very close to being the largest region in New Zealand,” CrestClean’s Managing Director Grant McLauchlan told franchisees at the annual regional team meeting.
“I predict in the next 12 months, it will be the number one growth region.”

More than 50 franchisees attended the meeting, where Grant gave a presentation about upcoming developments and the continuing success of the company.
He told attendees that not only were the number of franchises growing across the country, but also the size of individual franchises.
“More people are expanding their businesses into fulltime career paths, with the largest franchise in the country having a turnover of $900,000. We also have plenty around the $300,000 to $500,000 mark.”
Despite the high inflationary environment, both franchise and customer enquiry remained strong, he added.
Celebrating franchisee achievements, Long Services Awards were presented to Malcolm Brown, who has had his franchise for seven years, and the Aberde family who joined CrestClean three years ago.
Certificates in Commercial Cleaning Level 2 were presented to Francis and Jann Lim, for completing their training with the Master Cleaners Training Institute.
After the formalities, franchisees enjoyed a delicious hot lunch, and had the chance to catch up with both Grant and each other.
Jan Lichtwark, Regional Master Franchisee for Tauranga and Whakatāne, says it was an extremely positive meeting and it was good to see everyone enjoying themselves.
“The regional team meeting is a chance for franchisees to come together and celebrate both individual achievements and the success of the region as a whole. Local teams can be proud of their contribution to the region’s growth.”