CrestClean supports annual Top School competition at Ōmokoroa No.1 School

Primary and intermediate schools from across the Western Bay of Plenty recently gathered at Ōmokoroa No.1 School to compete in the annual Top School competition. Inspired by the ’80s Top Town TV series, Top School is a fun two-day event for kids, featuring eight challenging teamwork and problem-solving activities. The ultimate goal is to claim the title of ‘Top School’.
After 17 years as the event host, Gate Pa School was ready to pass the responsibility on to a new school. Principal of Ōmokoroa No.1 School, Craig Pentecost, took on the challenge, ensuring the event lived on.

“I didn’t want to see the event die because it’s something very unique. I wanted to continue the legacy that Gate Pa had built up and we have a fantastic space out this way,” says Craig.
“I knew we had the facilities to run it and I was happy to lead it knowing students could still have this awesome opportunity.”
Ōmokoroa No.1 School went ahead and purchased the gear from Gate Pa School. With only one day to set up, it was all hands on deck for school staff.
Bay of Plenty Principals Association’s Sports Director, Sarah Hull, also came out to manage scoring and the event’s sponsors volunteered their time to supervise each activity.
“It’s good for our community to have an event that builds community spirit. We’re really pleased with how it all went for our first time,” says Craig.
CrestClean proudly sponsored Top School 2024, with staff from the Tauranga office lending a helping hand over the two days. Tauranga Regional Master Franchisee, Jan Lichtwark, was stationed at the mega slide, which turned out to be the students’ favourite activity.
Craig hopes that CrestClean will be back to sponsor again next year.
“I’ll be getting Jan down the slide next year ‘cause we’d love to have CrestClean involved next year as well. Without the sponsor’s support, we wouldn’t be able to put the event on or offer prize money,” he says.
Each school sent one team of five boys and five girls to compete in eight 10-minute activities. Most activities were water

based and the students had no help from the teachers or volunteers. They banded together as a team and attempted each activity on their own. With only a brief five-minute practice, the pressure was on for these students to showcase their skills and teamwork.
“The activities have been the same throughout the time that the event has been running, so what I’m trying to do is create a bit of difference with a surprise factor,” says Craig.
“We had a new activity this year that no one could train for that involved a swimming pool, corn hole and towing tyre tubes in a raft down the pool.”
While the aim is to become the ‘Top School’, Craig says it’s all about participating and having fun.
“We try to keep the competition as relaxed as possible so there’s a real fun element to it,” he says.
This year, Ōmokoroa No. 1 School won first place for students in years seven and eight, while Mount Primary, the reigning champions, secured victory once again for years five and six. Both winning schools received trophies and $250 each to support their fundraising efforts.
It was a successful day on the field at Ōmokoroa No. 1 School. Craig says the school’s staff and students are looking forward to doing it all again next year.
“We’re looking forward to a long-term association with Top School and opening up the opportunity to lots of kids.”