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Adrian Cashmore settles in as Wellington Master Franchisee

Adrian Cashmore attends business lunch with Te Awe Chair, Te Rau Kupenga, and Wellington Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive, Simon Arcus.

Adrian Cashmore has wasted no time making his mark as the new Wellington Master Franchisee. Since stepping into the role a few months back, he’s focused on building strong relationships with the region’s customers and franchisees.

He kicked things off by dedicating the first six weeks to meeting with each franchisee individually.

“The more contact I have with franchisees, the better,” he says.

“The meetings really helped me to understand each of their businesses and get to know them on a personal level.”

He’s also prioritising the streamlining of operations and meeting with customers to introduce himself and assure them of his commitment to quality under his leadership.

Adrian credits much of the smooth transition into the role to his good friends and Dunedin Master Franchisees, Tony and Nicky Kramers. He was fortunate to spend a month with them before moving to Wellington, which gave him a solid foundation to hit the ground running.

Now, with a strong team behind him, he’s quickly getting up to speed.

“I’m lucky to have Sandy, my Office Manager. She’s been amazing and really understands the business,” he says. 

He also appreciates the help and support he’s received from Quality Assurance Co-ordinator, Manu Somanath.

A self-proclaimed people person, Adrian thrives on the constant interaction his new role offers. He’s still as enthusiastic as he was on day one and enjoys going to work every day.

“I’m really enjoying it. I like interacting with franchisees and customers,” he says. 

“I’m loving Wellington too. It’s a cool city and it’s great to have a business like this to look forward going to.”

Having spent the last 13 years in Dunedin, Adrian has been actively widening his network in Wellington, attending as many networking events as his schedule allows. He recently attending a business lunch with the Pasifika Business Network, Te Awe (Māori Business Network) and Wellington Chamber of Commerce where he connected with many great people.

With plenty of goals lined up for the future, Adrian is striving for success. He says the support he’s received from CrestClean has been invaluable. 

“The support from everyone in CrestClean has been awesome. From the other Master Franchisees to the team in Support Services – everyone’s been great.”


Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126
Email: service@crestclean.co.nz

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