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Dunedin teams proudly sport CrestClean colours at South Island Filipino Sports Festival

CrestClean supports Dunedin basketball teams competing in the South Island Filipino Sports Festival with new uniforms.

The South Island Filipino Sports Festival bounced back this year, reuniting teams from Nelson to Invercargill for a weekend of basketball and community spirit. Held in Christchurch on June 1st and 2nd, 34 teams competed in the event.

While the event previously boasted a wider range of sports like badminton, volleyball, chess, and table tennis, it took a brief hiatus due to COVID. This year, the event returned with basketball taking centre stage in the two-day tournament.

CrestClean Dunedin franchise owner, Armando Clado, was one of many players sporting the fresh CrestClean-sponsored uniforms. The uniforms were a source of pride for all three Dunedin teams.

“The CrestClean jersey really shone at the tournament”, he says.

“Every time we wore the CrestClean jersey, I was really proud of it because – wow – it’s a really great uniform.”

With a focus on friendly competition, The Legends showcased their skills on the court.

“Our team played really well. We won a few games, but height is a big problem in the Dunedin Filipino community because we’re quite small compared to other teams,” laughs Armando.

The South Island Filipino Sports Festival is a chance for Filipinos from across the region to connect and celebrate their community. As the previous president of the Dunedin Philippine Club Inc. (DPCI), Armando is passionate about creating opportunities for the community to connect and grow. He’s now the Sports Co-ordinator for the organisation, regularly arranging sporting events for the Filipino community to get behind.

“The Filipino community looks forward to this event on a yearly basis,” says Armando.

“They often meet friends from home that they didn’t know had moved to New Zealand.”

CrestClean’s support was greatly appreciated by all Dunedin teams. Having been a franchise owner for almost three years, Armando was grateful to represent the brand on the court.

“From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank CrestClean management for supporting the Filipino community throughout New Zealand. I’m so proud to be a CrestClean franchisee.”