Whakatane’s Jerry Baldicasa shines as Franchisee of the Year

The Tauranga and Whakatane franchise teams and their families recently gathered for a festive Christmas celebration, where Whakatane franchise owner Jerry Baldicasa was awarded Franchisee of the Year. This marks the first time a franchisee from Whakatane has received the award and a testament to how well Jerry runs his business.
Jerry’s journey with CrestClean began when he worked as an employee for another franchise. Now, one year into owning his business, Jerry is working toward expanding his franchise so he can focus on it full-time.
Not one to shy away from hard work, Jerry is a boat builder by day and runs his CrestClean business by night. Five days a week, Jerry goes above and beyond to meet his customers’ needs, no matter how long his day has been.
Despite the challenges of balancing two careers, Jerry tackles his workload with a smile. His friendly nature has earned him praise from customers, who say it’s a pleasure to have Jerry at their workplace.
“The most important thing is that my customers are very happy and there are no complaints,” he says.
“When I see my customers happy, it makes me happy too.”
One of Jerry’s many strengths is his ability to build strong relationships with his customers. He is known for his patience and flexibility, often waiting for after-school meetings to finish so his cleaning work doesn’t disturb staff. Jerry believes that being patient with customers and always upholding the CrestClean standard are key to his success.
“I push myself to do my best and always apply the CrestClean standard,” he says.
Supporting him in his success are his wife and daughter. His daughter lends a hand after her studies and on weekends which Jerry says has been a great way to teach her responsibility.
Regional Master Franchisee Jan Lichtwark, who presented Jerry with his award, praised him for his dedication and excellence.
“Jerry is an exceptional franchisee. His quality is amazing, and his customers praise him for how well he looks after them,” says Jan.
For Jerry, his CrestClean franchise has been a life-changing opportunity. With his hard work and commitment, Jerry is set for great success in the years ahead.