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Duo take Hard Floor Care to next level

Randeep Singh receives his training award from Robert Glenie.

Randeep Singh receives his training award from Robert Glenie.

CrestClean business owners Randeep Singh and Murray Kelly have taken their skillset to the next level.

The pair flew through an intensive training course that equips franchisees with the knowledge to tackle just about any floor surface they are likely to encounter.

Each year more than 200 unique training events are run for CrestClean’s franchisees nationwide by the Master Cleaners Training Institute.

Delivered in two modules, a major part of the Hard Floor Care course is centred on health and safety.

Robert Glenie, CrestClean’s South Canterbury Regional Manager, said having highly-skilled personnel gives peace of mind to customers, who expect a top-notch service.

“Crestclean is leading the cleaning industry in all forms of training and that is definitely the case with Hard Floors.

“We don’t let people touch customers’ floors until they have passed our two-day training course.

“CrestClean South Canterbury can now service all floor types with teams trained in floor scrubbing, buffing, stripping/cutting and laying polish.”

When a CrestClean business owner becomes qualified as a Hard Floor Care specialist it broadens the type of work they can take on, he added.

Robert said feedback showed there was a good demand for delivering a first-class floor service.

“Our customers are simply amazed when they leave on a Friday and come back to work on Monday morning to see a bright shiny floor that looks even better than new.”

Murray, who has a Crest PropertyCare franchise, says attending the upskilling course was immensely rewarding. “The trainers were really helpful and explained everything well.”

The result of doing a good job on a floor brings a sense of pride, he says. A floor he cleaned that had lost its shine through heavy foot traffic gave a particular sense of job satisfaction.

“It was a really dull surface but when we’d finished it was so shiny you could just about see your face reflected in it!”

Murray Kelly proudly holds his award.

Murray Kelly proudly holds his award.