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CrestClean’s Head Office turns pink for Pink Shirt Day

CrestClean’s Head Office staff in Dunedin sported Pink Shirts to promote kindness and inclusivity on support of Pink Shirt Day.

The team at CrestClean’s Head Office in Dunedin made a collective effort to take a stand against bullying in celebration of Pink Shirt Day.

Donning their best pink attire, Head Office staff sent a strong message of support for kindness, compassion and inclusivity.

Pink Shirt Day is an international event held annually to promote acceptance towards others. It originated in Canada in 2007 after a student was bullied for wearing a pink shirt. Two classmates took a stand and encouraged everyone to wear pink in support.

CrestClean Travel and Events Co-ordinator, Wendy Bates, proudly sported the official Pink Shirt Day t-shirt, displaying the message, “Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora,” which translates to “Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying.” 

Travel and Events Co-ordinator, Wendy Bates, wears the official Pink Shirt Day t-shirt.

“Bullying is a very serious issue in New Zealand as we have one of the highest rates in the world. Studies suggest that 20-33% of New Zealand workers report bullying per year, while 36-38% of our children reported bullying at school,” says Wendy.

“Some of us at Head Office wanted to show our support for this event by wearing pink shirts for the day.”

The effects of bullying can be long-lasting, with victims experiencing an increased risk of depression, low self-esteem and loneliness.

Wendy says that wearing pink at Head Office served as a visible reminder of CrestClean’s commitment to fostering a respectful and inclusive work environment.

“It was a good way to remind each other that our office is a place where all people should feel safe, valued and respected,” says Wendy.

Pink Shirt Day shows that even small gestures can raise awareness and create a more positive and inclusive environment, both at work and in the community.