Franchise Business Information News

The news… it’s right up there with eating, sleeping and running your business. Become informed and up to date with what is happening in your area and from around the country - from health issues news to compliances and regulatory changes affecting your business.

  • Pilot winging over the Bay

    The CrestClean Amphibious Microlight has been featured in the Whakatane-based newsaper The Beacon and Bay of Plenty Times. Pilot Derek Holmes spent last weekend flying over Whakatane, Opotiki, Ohope and Mt Maunganui. Both articles highlighted the uniqueness of the aircraft and in recognition of the historic change facing New Zealand, Mr

  • CrestClean sponsors Kerikeri Junior Rugby Coaching Clinic

    About 50 eager parents and junior rugby players turned out to learn skills and drills as part of the CrestClean LeslieRugby Junior Rugby Coaching Programme in Kerikeri. Held at the Kerikeri Domain on March 17, the session was one of 11 that have been held so far this month. The

  • 10 year celebrations for North Harbour Regional Manager

    North Harbour/Whangarei Regional Manager Neil Kumar is proud of his 10 year Long Service achievement with CrestClean. Neil was presented with a framed certificate and a glass plaque to mark the occasion at the 2016 CrestClean Masters Conference. “We made the right decision 10 years ago to join Crest. We

  • Crest Taranaki ‘friendly and efficient’

    Taranaki Regional Manager Prasun Acharya is celebrating his one year anniversary taking care of Waitara Central Kindergarten. Kindergarten staff and parents could not be happier with the effort Prasun and wife, Diksha put in when cleaning the premises. “We are very pleased with CrestClean. We have found the company easy

  • PestCo Technicians kept busy treating wasp nests

    PestCo technicians have been kept busy this summer with a number of treatment requests for wasps, cockroaches, flies, fruit flies, birds, rats and mice, fleas and ants. Technician Mike Wills recently treated a large wasp nest that was found in the roof of an Auckland property. The nest is one

  • Top Canterbury Franchisee Celebrates 11 years

    Lyndsey Reeves is a valued member of the Christchurch South Intermediate team. The long-standing Crest franchisee has been cleaning the school for 11 years. “I’ve developed a great relationship with the school and staff,” he says. “I am considered one of their team. I even take my turn with the

  • CrestClean Taranaki celebrate Christmas

    Crest Taranaki enjoyed catching up with each other at the region’s first Christmas party. The Christmas party was held at VolcaNo Restaurant, New Plymouth on December 20. “It was good to catch up with everyone in a relaxing atmosphere,” Taranaki Regional Manager Prasun Acharya says. “It was a really nice

  • Teamwork highlighted at Nelson and Blenheim Christmas party

    The importance of working together as a team was highlighted at the Nelson and Blenheim Christmas party. About 15 franchisees and their families attended the end of year celebration that was held at the Moutere Community Centre. “There were a number of games that were played and the reason for

  • Judy has the “perfect job”

    Becoming a Crest franchisee is Judy Fang’s idea of having the “perfect job”. The Christchurch South franchisee has achieved 7 years with CrestClean. In recognition of her commitment and dedication, Regional Manager Kiri James presented Judy with a 7 year Long Service Award. “I enjoy cleaning. I like to make

  • CrestClean Amphibious Microlight takes flight over Lake Rotoiti

    The CrestClean sponsored Amphibious Microlight has spent the last three months clocking up air miles throughout the North Island. Pilot Derek Holmes has enjoyed seeing Auckland, the Coromandel, Bay of Plenty and Taupo from the air as well as meeting people who are interested in the unique aircraft. “I love

  • Otago/Southland Quality Assurance Co-ordinator appointed

    Ensuring excellent customer satisfaction and the ability to effectively handle situations are two of many things Antoine Zoghbi thrives on. Antoine is CrestClean’s Quality Assurance Co-ordinator for Otago and Southland, which includes Dunedin, Central Otago and Invercargill. This role requires Antoine to undertake quality audits, assist with implementing new contracts

  • Murihiku Marae elated with Spring Clean

    Invercargill’s Murihiku Marae is all set for 2016. Franchisees Richard Chand, Marlene Madrid, Ping Sarical and Roberto Calanaun completed a one-off spring clean of the premises that attracts 8000 visitors per year. “Murihiku Marae are now ready for a busy year,” Regional Manager Glenn Cockroft says. “Richard, Marlene, Ping and