Lifelong learner marks 15 years of growth and success

When Sunny Yang first joined CrestClean 15 years ago, he had no idea how much it would shape his life. Over the years, he has had a front row seat watching CrestClean grow into a thriving, nationally recognised brand and feels privileged to be part of the company. “It has


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    He has been dubbed CrestClean’s “smiliest cleaner” and now he’s not only saying “cheese”, he’s eating it, after being presented with a gift from Open Country Dairy. Seby Joseph was given a box of goodies, including a block of Open Country Dairy’s finest cheddar, by Site Manager Scott Houston, to

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    Long service award presented to cleaner

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    Lost wedding ring returned to owner

    Newlywed Neill Barr had only been married two months when he lost his wedding ring. So, when CrestClean’s Lumanai Panapa found the ring and handed it in to reception, he was so ecstatic that he presented her with a gift to say thanks. Lumanai was emptying a bathroom rubbish bin