Franchise Business Success Stories

Read on and celebrate success with our people from around New Zealand. Milestones reached, awards won, recognition from our customers - success comes with many faces - a smile from a positive comment, a home purchased through business success and confidence, a smile to the camera while receiving a long service award. Let’s always share our success together.

  • From fast-food workers to franchise superstars

    Love blossomed for Nancy Nandan and Kent Wilkinson when they worked at McDonald’s.

    When Nancy Nadan took a shine to a fellow McDonald’s worker she soon realised it would be up to her to make the first move. She’d heard from other staff that Kent Wilkinson liked her, so she decided to pluck up the courage to invite him out one evening when

  • Quality first as franchisees praised for high standards

    Rain or shine, Hardeep Singh and Navdeep Kaur get the job done!

    For husband and wife Hardeep Singh and Navdeep Kaur it’s all about maintaining high standards and keeping their customers happy. Just months after joining CrestClean, the duo have already made a big impression by their work ethic, according to Philip Wilson, CrestClean’s Wellington Quality Assurance Co-ordinator and Kapiti Coast Regional

  • Polished performer rewarded with training role

    Kumaran Nair has upskilled with the Master Cleaners Training Institute.

    He’s a polished performer who has benefitted from CrestClean’s acclaimed in-house upskilling organisation – the Master Cleaners Training Institute (MCTI). The accolades have been flowing thick and fast for franchisee Kumaran Nair, who is a CrestClean Regional Induction Trainer. Regional Trainers are trained by MCTI to carry out induction training

  • Franchisee’s drive puts him on fast track to...

    There’s plenty of time to juggle more than one job being a CrestClean francisee. Just ask Lakshman Jetti, whose drive to succeed has seen his life take an unexpected turn. Keeping a corporate dealership’s premises dust free and spotless is one thing but selling and promoting the cars to customers

  • Big changes over 12 months with new lifestyle

    Nelson ticks all the boxes for Danial and Arishma Singh.

    When Danial and Arishma Singh first came to CrestClean they were working hard for little reward in Auckland. They lived in a small flat behind a shop in an area known for a high crime rate and had bars on all their windows for security. Then they took a leap

  • A year on and they couldn’t be happier

    Sameeta Kumar and Nischal Lal are delighted by their move to Nelson.

    Crest’s Move to the Regions Programme has really changed the lives of Sameeta Kumar and Nischal Lal for the better. Since moving to Nelson from Auckland a year ago, Sameeta says they have been able to increase their business fourfold – and they also plan to purchase their first home

  • Brownie points well-earned

    Helen and Greg Caingcoy love working at Belmont School. They are seen here with Principal Robin Thomson.

    Chalking up brownie points is just one of the many rewards of working at schools for our franchisees. Take Helen and Greg Caingcoy, who are a shining example of how hard work and a cheerful presence is highly valued by staff and pupils. At Lower Hutt’s Belmont School, Principal Robin

  • 10-year-milestone is next goal

    There are plenty of rewards being a franchisee. Keshwan receives his seven-year Long Service Certificate from Wellington Regional Manager Richard Brodie.

    Hard-working Keshwan is firmly on track to complete a decade as a CrestClean franchisee. On reaching that milestone he’ll be able to take off on a well-earned break when he receives a $2,000 travel voucher from CrestClean to mark 10 years’ service. In the meantime, he has just clocked up

  • Showered with glowing accolades

    Mihir Desai loves being a CrestClean franchisee.

    Being showered with accolades is not uncommon for our popular franchisees, who enjoy plenty of rewards being part of CrestClean. Mihir Desai prides himself in keeping Upper Hutt’s Totara Park School spotless and he applies the same attention to detail and work ethic to his other clients. Philip Wilson, Wellington

  • Study and work go hand-in-hand

    Happy Singh and Anne McKibben-Singh.

    Law graduate Anne McKibben-Singh is a shining example of how work and study can go hand-in-hand while being a CrestClean Franchisee. While law might seem a daunting subject for many, Anne found plenty of time for her studies at the University of Otago while helping her husband run their Dunedin

  • Just what the doctor ordered

    Working at Paraparaumu Medical Centre is a real tonic for franchisee Meleka Luli. As well as happily carrying out her duties, Meleka takes great pride in making sure nothing gets missed. And she just loves the environment she works in. Meleka said: “I’m very happy that my work is appreciated.

  • Business booming for Franchisees

    Naresh and Radhna Mani have made a big impression with Anna McGovern at MediaWorks.

    When Naresh and Radhna Mani bought a CrestClean Franchise they had a vision to grow their business. Now just over 18 months later they have seen a fourfold increase in growth and the hardworking couple have just bought their own home. They love their job – but the rewards are